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Thursday, August 8, 2013

BBA UPDATES: Feature: Angelo and His Shorts

One thing that has become apparent in The Chase over the past 74 days is that Angelo's love for his teeny tiny shorts is anything but micro.
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The South African Housemate is an admitted fitness freak and he is a dancer by profession and he has a dancer’s body too - he is a tall, statuesque fellow with legs for days and he is not afraid to show them off. After all they do say: if you have got it flaunt it.

But where does one draw the line? Can you ever have too much of a good thing? Looking at his daily fashion style over the past eleven weeks it is clear that not one day can go by without the Ruby lad show off those toned gams of his. But what is the reason for his risqué attire; is it a fetish or is a matter of comfort? Only he knows.

Many of you Chase viewers have noticed Angelo's shorts obsession and have had a lot to say on the matter.

Here are some comments from Twitter:

@chiomsyluv - What did trousers do to Angelo? #BBATheChase if he wears it he will fold till it becomes shorts SMH

@Tre_go - Angelo and his shorts! Aeeee!

@the_fadd - Why does Angelo love shorts so much

@sanshine111 - Does Angelo have any trousers at all, i can't stand those shorts he always wears #BBATheChase

What do you think of Angelo and his shorts? Hot or Not?

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