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Monday, August 5, 2013



 Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiagana na Rais Mstaafu wa Marekani Mhe Bill Clinton baada ya mazungumzo na kisha kushuhudia utiwaji saini mkataba wa maelewano kati ya serikali ya Tanzania na taasisi ya Clinton Foundation kusaidia maendeleo ya kilimo na afya nchini Ikulu jijini Dar es salaam mwishoni mwa juma
 Gari aina la HIACE likisogea kumchukua Mhe Bill Clinto
Mhe Bill Clinton akiingia kwenye gari baada ya kuhitimisha shughuli zake Ikulu huku mwenyeji wake akimwangalia. Hilo lilikuwa tukio la nadra kwa kiongozi kama huyo kutumia usafiri wa kawaida kama huo.


MFUMO wa ukaguzi wa wasafiri na mizigo yao katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere (JNIA) umetekwa na sasa uko mikononi mwa matajiri na wanasiasa wanaofanya biashara ya dawa za kulevya hapa nchini, MTANZANIA Jumapili linaandika kwa uhakika.
Vyanzo vya habari vya kuaminika vilivyo ndani ya serikali vinavyofanya kazi bega kwa bega na dawati la habari za siasa na uchunguzi la MTANZANIA Jumapili vimedokeza kuwa, baadhi ya watoto wa viongozi wakuu wa nchi, wafanyabiashara wenye ukwasi wa kutisha na wanasiasa wenye utajiri ambao umekuwa ukitiliwa shaka kwa muda mrefu, wamebainika kuingilia mfumo wa kiitelejensia wa JNIA kwa kuupandikizia watu ambao wamekuwa wakifanya kazi kwa maelekezo yao.
Ripoti ya uchunguzi wa kikachero iliyo mikononi mwa maofisa wa juu serikalini na ambayo waliinukuu katika mazunguzo yao na gazeti hili, inaeleza kuwa mtandao wa matajiri wauza dawa za kulevya umewaondoa wafanyakazi kadhaa watiifu waliokuwa katika kitengo cha ukaguzi wa abiria na mizigo cha JNIA na kupachika watu wao walio kwenye mfumo wa malipo wa wafanyabiashara wa dawa za kulevya.
Sambamba na hilo, walieleza kuwa kitengo cha kupambana na biashara ya dawa za kulevya nchini kimedhoofishwa na hata mbwa wa polisi waliokuwa wakitumika kukagua mizigo ya wasafiri wanaotumia uwanja wa JNIA wameondolewa katika mfumo wa ukaguzi na sasa watumika kwa nadra, hasa zinapovujishwa taarifa za usafirishaji wa dawa za kulevya ambazo hutolewa aghalabu wafanyabiashara hao wanapohitilafiana kibiashara na kuamua kuumbuana.
Taarifa hizi zimethibitishwa na kauli ya Mkurugenzi wa Kitengo cha Kuzuia Dawa za Kulevya, Kamishna Mwandamizi wa Polisi (SACP) Godfrey Nzowa, ambaye katika mahojiano yake na MTANZANIA Jumapili, alieleza kuwa mtandao wa wafanyabiashara wa dawa za kulevya hapa nchini una pesa nyingi zinazouwezesha kufanya jambo lolote ili kufanikisha biashara hiyo.
Kamishina Nzowa, ambaye alitakiwa na gazeti hili kutoa taarifa ya uchunguzi kuhusiana na matukio hayo ya dawa za kulevya, likiwemo lile la Watanzania wawili waliokamatwa nchini Afrika Kusini wakiwa na kiasi kikubwa cha dawa za kulevya pamoja na uwezo wa kitengo chake wa kupambana na wauza dawa za kulevya, alisema kazi hiyo ina changamoto kubwa katika kufanikiwa kwake, kwa sababu inawahusisha watu wenye fedha nyingi hapa nchini.
Alisema, Watanzania wawili, Agnes Gerald (25) na Melisa Edward (24), waliokamatwa na kilo 150 za dawa za kulevya katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Oliver Tambo nchini Afrika Kusini, Julai 5, mwaka huu, walifanikiwa kupita JNIA bila kugundulika kutokana na watu waliokuwa kwenye mashine za ukaguzi wa abiria na mizigo.
“Hawa Watanzania waliopita kwenye Uwanja wa Ndege wa Julius Nyerere na kukamatwa Afrika Kusini, waliweza kupita kwa sababu inategemea na watu waliokuwepo kwenye mashine za ukaguzi siku hiyo. Unajua hakuna ushirikiano wa karibu baina ya watendaji wanaohusika na udhibiti wa dawa za kulevya. Hilo ni tatizo kubwa linalosababisha vikwazo katika kupambana na mtandao wa dawa hizo.
“Sisi tunategemea kupata taarifa za wauza dawa za kulevya kutoka kwa watu, wakiwemo wakaguzi wa mizigo na abiria, hapo ndipo tunakwenda kumpekua mtu anayeshukiwa kubeba dawa hizo. Tunapopewa taarifa tunafanya ukaguzi, mbwa tunawanusisha, lakini mara chache kwa sababu wakati mwingine wanashindwa kugundua mizigo yenye dawa hizo iliyopuliziwa manukato au kunyunyiziwa kahawa,” alisema Nzowa.
Kamishina Nzowa pia alilalamika kukithiri kwa rushwa kwa watendaji ndani ya kikosi cha kupambana na dawa za kulevya pamoja na jamii kuwa ni jambo ambalo linasababisha kushamiri kwa biashara hiyo.
Mbinu mpya za kusifirisha dawa za kulevya
Duru za uchunguzi za MTANZANIA Jumapili, zimebaini kuwepo kwa mbinu mpya inayotumiwa na wafanyabiashara wa dawa za kulevya kusafirisha mizigo yao tofauti na ile iliyozoeleka.

Wafanyabiashara, wanasiasa na watoto wa viongozi wa serikali wanaojihusisha na biashara hiyo sasa wameligeukia kundi la wasanii wa filamu na wanamuziki wa kizazi kipya wanaotajwa kuwa na tamaa ya utajiri wa haraka haraka na kulifanya wasafirishaji wakuu wa dawa hizo.
Uchunguzi unaonyesha kuwa, wasanii hususan vijana, ndio wanaotumiwa zaidi kubeba dawa za kulevya huku wakihakikishiwa usalama wao na matajiri na wanasiasa wanaotajwa kuwa karibu na baadhi ya viongozi wa serikali wanaowatumia kama kinga yao, kwa makubaliano ya kugawana kipato kinachotokana na biashara hiyo au kuwa katika orodha ya malipo maalumu.
Mbinu zinazotajwa kutumika kusafirisha dawa za kulevya ni pamoja na mzigo baada ya kufungwa hunyunyiziwa pilipili, manukato au kahawa ambazo huondoa uwezo wa mbwa wenye mafunzo maalumu ya kutambua dawa za kulevya kubaini.
Imebainika kuwa dawa za kulevya zilizofungwa vizuri na kunyunyiziwa unga wa pilipili au kahawa juu yake huondoa uwezo wa mbwa kunusa harufu kwa usahihi na badala yake humfanya apige chafya.
Njia nyingine inayotajwa ni kufunga dawa za kulevya ndani ya karatasi ya kaboni ambayo mashine za ukaguzi zilizo katika uwanja wa ndege hazina uwezo wa kubaini kilichofungwa ndani pamoja na uvaaji wa nguo maalumu za ndani za wanawake zinazofahamika zaidi kwa jina la ‘tight’ zilizoshonewa dawa za kulevya ndani ambazo hazitambuliwi kirahisi na maofisa wa ukaguzi, bali humuonyesha mwanamke akiwa amejazia.
TAA wagwaya
Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Mamlaka ya Viwanja vya Ndege (TAA), Mhandisi Suleiman S. Suleiman, alipoulizwa na MTANZANIA Jumapili namna mamlaka yake inavyokabiliana na tishio la ongezeko la upitishaji dawa za kulevya JNIA, alikataa kuzungumza lolote kwa kile alichoeleza kuwa kufanya hivyo ni kuathiri mwenendo wa uchunguzi unaoendelea.
Malipo ya punda wa ‘unga’ 
Taarifa zaidi za uchunguzi zinaonyesha kuwa punda wa dawa za kulevya hulipwa Dola za Marekani 450, ambazo ni sawa na Sh 702,000 kwa kusafirisha mzigo kutoka Dar es Salaam hadi Afrika Kusini. Malipo hayo hufanyika mzigo unapofika salama kwa mnunuzi.

Bei ya sasa ya dawa za kulevya sokoni 
Gazeti hili limedokezwa kuwa bei ya dawa za kulevya inapanda kila wakati kutokana na kamata kamata inayoendelea kwa kudhibiti na kuzuia usafirishaji wake. Imeeleza kuwa cocaine kilo moja inauzwa kwa zaidi ya Sh milioni 50, huku heroine ikiuzwa Sh milioni 45 kwa kilo.

BBA UPDATES: Breaking News: Ice Prince in the House

Breaking News: Ice Prince in the House

The Ruby Housemates exploded with excitement as soon as Ice Prince made a stylish entrance in the Big Brother House.

The Nigerian superstar took time out of his busy schedule to pay the Housemates a visit in his capacity as a ONE Campaign ambassador in collaboration with the African Union. This week in the Big Brother House is all about giving back; today the charitable muso spent the early afternoon chatting with the Chasemates and encouraging them to be involved with humanitarian work even outside of Biggie's House.

"Whether you win the money or not you guys should get involved," he motivated. The young entertainer also gave the Housemates the low down on how famous they have become in the outside world and encouraged them to use their star power for good. He said: "Hopefully by 2030 extreme poverty should be eradicated. Your voices and your images will do that in a lot of ways".

Genevieve Nnaji Starts The Week With Love In Her Heart! Visits Less Privileged Children

She posted pictures on her instagram page this morning and captioned them  "Times I don't sweat the small stuff❤. Lets start the week with love in our hearts. Good morning��" and "Soon I will need your help to relocate them to a better home. Can I count on you? ��" Another pic after the cut.


BAADHI ya watu kwenye jamii wamezoea kusikia au kuona wasanii kibao wakifanya mambo ya ajabu na kuwa na skendo za hapa na pale kama kupigana, mapenzi na kuzungumza mambo yasiyofaa lakini leo tunakuletea listi ya mastaa wanaojiheshimu kwa hapa Bongo...

SALOME NDUMBAGWE MISAYO ‘THEA’Ni staa wa kitambo wa filamu za Kibongo. Ni mke wa ndoa wa mwigizaji Michael Sangu ‘Mike’. Thea amekuwa ni mfano wa kuigwa na kila msanii anayetaka au anayeingia kwenye tasnia ya filamu na jamii kwa jumla. Thea siyo mtu wa skendo kama walivyo wasanii wengine wa kike Bongo.
Amedumu kwenye sanaa kwa muda mrefu akianzia Kundi la Sanaa la Kaole wakati wa michezo ya runingani leo, leo amefikia hatua ya kucheza filamu zake mwenyewe japokuwa kumekuwa na malalamiko haonekani sana kama zamani.

Ni mkongwe wa maigizo ambaye ni mama wa mtoto mmoja. Natasha ni msanii mwenye heshima tele kwenye tasnia ya filamu Bongo ambapo hivi karibuni aliingia kwenye ndoa ya uzeeni kwani alikuwa hajaolewa hivyo kuamua kutimiza agizo la Mungu alilowapa wanadamu.
Natasha hajawahi kuripotiwa na skendo yoyote kama baadhi ya wasanii walivyozoeleka kuwa kila siku ni watu wa matukio ya ajabu.

Dotnata ni staa wa maigizo, muziki na ni mjasiriamali. Ni mama asiyekuwa na skendo na hivi sasa ameokoka na amekuwa akiwashauri wasanii mbalimbali wabadilike lakini jitihada hizo zimekuwa zikigonga mwamba kutokana na wengi wao kutosikiliza ushauri wake.
Wengine humsikiliza na kumwambia asubiri kwanza wamalize starehe zao.

Ni mwigizaji ambaye ni mke wa aliyekuwa msanii wa filamu za Kibongo, marehemu Juma Kilowoko ‘Sajuki’. Wastara amekuwa ni mfano wa kuigwa na wanawake wote ulimwenguni na siyo wa filamu pekee.
Wastara ni mchapakazi, hana muda wa kukaa na kufanya mambo yasiyofaa kama kuendekeza wanaume, majungu na kupigana kama ilivyo kwa wengine.

Mwanadada wa filamu za Kibongo anajiheshimu na amejaliwa kuwa na mtoto mmoja wa kike. Hajawahi kuripotiwa na skendo. Mara nyingi yupo bize na kazi zake na huwezi kukutana naye kwenye kumbi za starehe usiku au katika makundi yasiyofaa.
Kwenye filamu Riyama anakubalika kutokana na uigizaji wake wa kiuhalisia zaidi.
Huyu ni mtoto wa Natasha ambaye kafuata nyayo za mama yake katika tasnia ya filamu Bongo. Monalisa ni mama wa watoto wawili. Hana skendo na anajiheshimu na kujielewa yeye ni nani katika jamii.


Oneal Evicted From Big Brother Africa

Oneal Evicted From Big Brother Africa
Evicted from the house!
This week, only one housemate has been booted out of the show and poor Oneal happens to be the unlucky one. The club DJ was up for the second time and managed to survive in week 4 of the Chase, however today, lady luck didn’t shine on him.

Oneal who has had a great Chase was also HOH in week 7 and has also been a very active housemate as regards the tasks, he’s without a doubt a multi-talented fellow and he’ll definitely make it up there.
Unfortunately, he was separated from his lady love Feza who was lucky enough to survive today as well as Ethiopia’s Bimp. But on a lighter note, Feza‘s game continues and she said that her game would go on even if her boo is Evicted.
Upon his Eviction, he handled it well and bade farewell to his fellow housemates, Feza seemed to have mixed feelings as she was a bit sad having lost her man to the Eviction but at the same time, she had just been saved thus felt relieved.
Meanwhile, the Chase now has 8 Chasemates with three weeks to go and the next coming two weeks will see at least a housemate Evicted each week, meaning that we are most probably going to have 6 housemates at the finale.
All the best to Oneal, he may be out but walked out gracefully and represented Botswana well!

Hii ndio Benz mpya anayoendesha mwigizaji Irene Uwoya.

Irene Uwoya ambae ni Mrs Ndikumana akiwa pia ni mama Krish hivi karibuni ameingia kwenye headlines na TV show yake mpya kabisa ambayo itaoneka @CloudsTV jumanne wiki hii, pamoja na hilo right now nakukukutanisha na picha za gari lake jipya ambalo analiendesha kwa sasa.
Ni Mercedes Benz S Class 550 Sedan yenye rangi ya Black metalic ambapo japo gharama imebaki kuwa siri ukicheki kwenye mtandao wa Mercedes Benz US ndinga kama hii ikiwa mpya ina-cost $ 95,000.

Uzito mkubwa katika historia ya mchezo wa kunyanyua uzito.

Hiyo ni Paul Anderson,mbeba vyuma au baunsa ambaye rekodi yake haijavunjwa hadi leo hii .
Hapa aliweka historia kwa kunyanyua vyuma vyenye uzito wa kila 2840 ambazo ni sawa na tani 2.84 kwenye mashindano ya mchezo wa Weightlifting au kunyanyua vyuma vizito yaliyofanyika huko  Georgia kwenye mji wa Tocoa mwaka 1957.

BBA : Beverly caught up in a love triangle???Angelo's real girlfriend.(photots)


It turns out Angelo has a girlfriend back at home whose name is Candice Arends.

His real girlfriendend is also a model and beauty technician.Candice was a constant supporter of Angelo re-tweeting every thing about him until he started getting close to Beverly.

So who really owns Angelo's heart?Beverly

'I Only Did It 4 Times' - Gay Pastor Goes To Jail


The Founder and General Overseer of a Pentecostal Church in Benin City, Pastor Phillip Ogbebor is now an unusual inmate at the federal medium security prison, Oko after  a magistrate court ordered that he be remanded for having sex with male members of his Church.
Surprisingly, the randy pastor of Breakthrough Ministries, Owina Street, off  Sakponba road  Benin city, neither denied the allegation of homosexuality levelled against him by the parents of one of his victims nor blamed the devil as many culprits will do. Instead, he told Saturday Sun that “I am only passing through temptation. I only did it four times with the man who is 22 years old and a regular member of my church. I can’t claim that  it was the devil’s influence , let God decide my case.”
The Commissioner of  Police, Mr  Foluso  Ayodeji  Adebanjo told Saturday Sun that  the Pastor was apprehended recently by men of the State Criminal Investigation Department of the Edo state police command following a complaint lodged by the father of one of his victims. Trouble started when the victim who had been put under an oath of secrecy by the pastor decided to report his ordeal to  his parents who in turn decided to inform the police.
The victim  who  doesn’t want his name in print told Saturday Sun that  he  has been unduly harassed by Pastor Ogbebor since 2007 when he was only fifteen years old and that he made him to take several oaths of secrecy in order not to reveal the secret to anybody.
He further said that the suspect  threatened to kill him if he disclosed the act to anyone.
According to him, “each time, I told him it is painful  and  that I don’t want to  do it again. I told him I will tell my parents but he forced me to take oath saying if I ever tell anyone  I will not live  to see the next day”
He furthered revealed how  Ogbebor mixed olive oil  with  sand and robbed it on his head while chanting incantations in an unusual language and casting  spells on him, with an emphasis on the fact that if he tells anybody he would die like a fowl. He said to buttress his threat  he gave him the liver and gizzard of chicken to eat saying these acts were usually performed at 12.00 midnight under the guise of a night vigil.
The victim who said he is  a regular member of  Pastor Ogbebor’s church said he  was disturbed by his deteriorating health and was forced to narrate his ordeal to  another pastor.
He said the man of God  advised him to report the bad conduct of Pastor Ogbebor before the congregation which he did  but Ogbebor was said to have denied it before the congregation. After the confession by  the victim to the congregation, his father who is also a member of the church promptly confronted Pastor Ogbebor on the matter  and  as the issue was degenerating  into rowdiness in the church,  Pastor Ogbebor was said to have confessed to the crime and pledged to take the victim who has been battling with spiritual and health challenges  to the hospital for medical treatment.
It was at that stage that the father of the victim who was in shock over the development  reported the matter to the police for proper investigation.
Speaking to Saturday Sun, the Edo State Commissioner of Police, Mr Foluso  Ayodeji  Adebanjo  commended  the  SCID Benin under the leadership of  Deputy Commissioner of Police J. Ibim  for a good job done.
He said the suspect will soon be charged to court after the completion of investigation.
The police boss had about three weeks ago paraded Pastor Ogbebor along with 25 other crime suspects at the command headquarters, Benin city.
Saturday Sun however gathered that the 42 year old randy pastor has been arraigned before a Magistrate court in Benin city on a  charge bordering on  indecent assault contrary to Sections 214(1) and 353 of the constitution respectively.
The Magistrate was said to have ordered his detention at the Oko medium security prison in the state capital pending the commencement of trial.

PHOTOS - Gor Mahia Hooligans Destroy Newly Refurbished Kasarani Stadium

 Section of Gor Mahia fans on Sunday destroyed property at a Kasarani Stadium, following their barren draw with Premier League side City Stars. 

After the full time whistle, some fans started destroying the recently installed seats, while others descended on the perimeter wall.

The extent of the damage has not been determined, but according to Sports Stadia Management Board, the club will have to foot the bill.
Kasarani was just recently refurbished at a cost of over Sh1 billion.

Photos Courtesy
© nairobiwire.com


Swahili Fashion week is NOW in its 6th Year.
This Year we shall Grow from a 3 days event to a 4 Day event
Kindly Save you dates: 5,6,7 & 8 December 2013
Swahili Fashion Week AWARDS will be an EXCLUSIVE Separate event on 8 December

Application for Tanzanians designers: CLOSED
Regional, African and International designers application still :OPEN
DEADLINE for last application 30 August 2013
All designers work should be BASATA (National Arts & Council) rules compliant.





Hatimaye mahakama kuu ya Tabora imewafutia mashitaka ya ugaidi kamanda Henry Kileo na wenzake.

Tulianza na Mungu, Tunaendelea na Mungu na Tutamaliza na Mungu.

Karibuni makamanda uraiani tuendeleze mapambano...

Hatimaye mahakama kuu ya Tabora imewafutia mashitaka ya ugaidi kada wa chadema Henry Kileo na wenzake.

Endelea kutembelea mtandao huu tutakujuza zaidi kilichojiri

Chanzo: Jamii Forum

The cheapest place to stay in all of New York City? Inside the cockroach-infested 'hotel' where more than 100 men sleep side-by-side in chicken wire 'kennels'

Single dorm rooms at Chinatown's Sun Bright Hotel are just $10 a night, but most are swarming with cockroaches and vermin

  • More than 100 disadvantaged men live side by side in 'human kennels' separated by chicken wire on two floors
  • Cubicles measure seven by five feet

It’s a New York hotel offering 'cages' for just $10 a night - and you get what you pay for.  
The single rooms at Chinatown's The Sun Bright Hotel have been described as 'animal shelters', where more than 100 disadvantaged men live side by side in cockroach-infested chicken wire boxes. 
Only men are allowed in the 'kennels' on the third and fourth floors, and the rooms are just seven by five feet - smaller than a prison's solitary-confinement cell.
And at least one resident reported the body of a man was left to rot in his room for 15 days before it was removed - and the room wasn't even cleaned afterward.
Heinous: John Arkue sits in his tiny room at the Sun Bright Hotel
Heinous: John Arkue sits in his tiny room at the Sun Bright Hotel
Suffering: Double leg amputee Michael Fidler, 66, has lived in this room for 11 years
Suffering: Double leg amputee Michael Fidler, 66, has lived in this room for 11 years
The allegations come from the New York Post, which sent a reporter to check out the cut-rate hotel.
'It was horrible - like an animal shelter,' a first responder recently called to the hotel told
'I picked up a suit on the wall and roaches fell out. Hundreds of them.'
More than 100 men on the floor share one bathroom with two shower stalls, four toilets and one urinal. Cockroaches, vermin and fleas infest the dilapidated building, and black mold covers most of the walls, according to the Post. 
The owners of the hotel have not responded to allegations. Managers were not available for comment to MailOnline early Monday.
The six-story building doesn't have an elevator, and most floors lack air conditioning, according to reports. 
New York Post reports the city Department of Buildings has issued the budget hotel with 46 summonses since 1988. 
It has 22 open violations for converting the second and fifth floors into a hostel and installing laundry equipment on the second floor.
Hellhole: A block of 32 cubicles, each about 90 by 58 inches, separated above the door frame by chicken wire
Hellhole: A block of 32 cubicles, each about 90 by 58 inches, separated above the door frame by chicken wire
David Rodriguez, 74, has lived in his room for 16 years, paying just $310 a month for his little bed in a cockroach-infested cubicle.
'Somebody died on the other side, and he was there about 15 days,' the retired cab driver told the Post. 
'[Management] left it dirty. It smelled very bad -  a dead man!
'There’s a whole bunch of nuts around here. I don’t feel comfortable, but what am I going to do? I can’t do nothing. I can’t pay $1,000 for an apartment.'
The story about a dead man being left inside a room for more than two weeks has not been verified. 
However many of the dorm rooms which aren't occupied by long-term tenants are rented out to backpackers.
    The hotel boasts on its website that rooms are 'cozy' and affordable.
    'Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, Sun Bright Hotel offers a variety of room types to ensure comfort for your needs at low prices,' the website states. 'Our rooms are clean, affordable and very cozy.'
    However the promotional pictures of the rooms it has posted, which have also been uploaded to online review guide Yelp, do not paint the full picture. 
    The rooms are small, but clean, with white walls and spotless toilet facilities. 
    One Yelp reviewer wrote: 'The place is a total dump. Don't stay here if you don't like camping, are afraid of cockroaches, mold or mildew.' 
    Another wrote: 'Prison! The second floor looks clean but if you go to other floors, you'll ask yourself what have you done to deserve this. You'll see cats, cat food, roaches, floor tiles peeling off, smell of cigarettes even though it says no smoking.'
    The same hotel? This image of a hotel room on Yelp is a far cry from the reality
    The same hotel? This image of a hotel room on Yelp is a far cry from the reality
    Misleading? These images from the review site Yelp offer a stark contrast to the scenes of squalor depicted inside the hotel by the New York Post
    Sun Bright Hotel
    Sun Bright HotelDisabled construction worker John Arkue has lived on the third floor for 15 years.
    'They keep all the garbage all on this floor,' he told New York Post. 
    'Sometimes the garbage sits here. Like on a Saturday, we don’t put the garbage out. We got roaches, we got flies, you know? Did you look in the bathroom? It’s falling down, the ceiling and stuff.'
    Two months ago, the building was sold for $14.8 million to Bowery 88 LLC, which shares its address with the headquarters of clothing retailer Dr. Jays.
    Mail Online contacted Dr. Jays but no one was immediately available for comment.
    Prison-like: This is the third floor entrance, where men live in tiny cubicles with no air conditioning
    Prison-like: This is the third floor entrance, where men live in tiny cubicles with no air conditioning
    No options: David Rodriguez, 74, moved into the Sun Bright Hotel in 1997, after he retired from cab driving
    No options: David Rodriguez, 74, moved into the Sun Bright Hotel in 1997, after he retired from cab driving
    Hellhole: The Sun Bright Hotel is on Hester St on the edge of Chinatown
    Hellhole: The Sun Bright Hotel is on Hester St on the edge of Chinatown


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